Sunday, July 28, 2013

The Characteristics Of Unique Bird Houses

By Maryanne Goff

Unique bird houses are accommodation places for the winged creatures. There are those that are usually naturally made by these creatures on the trees and other places, while there also are those which are made by their keepers in their individual homes. The quality and size of this premises usually depends on the breed as well as size of the creature.

Naturally, these creatures usually use some material such as grass to make their premises. However, some of the species have become quite informed. Instead of using grass, they are using some wires. These wires are usually collected from various places. They are sometimes acquired from the wire used in cleaning utensils or even from other slender wires in the environment.

There are merits associated with this nature of accommodation facility and that is why some species have resorted to building them. This material usually is the most resistant to damage by wind. As such, security to their young ones is at its best even when they are away. They also are very comfortable because once constructed, they are never easily damaged no matter the weight of the occupants.

However, they also may not be as good as they appear. If the mother forgets to line their inside with grass and other insulating material, the young ones may also end up dying of cold. Besides, the material used is likely to rust. If this gets to contaminate what the species and its children feed on, they may end up dying. The skill needed in their construction also is quite involving. Damage to human property such as the washing wires must also be incurred.

The tailored premises usually are for the tamed species. Most people construct them depending on the availability of material, space and the number of the breeds that they have. These places are sectioned into various parts. Each part is occupied by a different breed of the animals. The young ones and those that are ailing are also secluded. It is in their sections that they are fed. They also sleep in different places.

This kind of arrangement is one that is considered good. This is especially because the sick are separated from those that are healthy. This ensures that there is not spread of disease amongst the breeds. The sick are also well attended to since they can be provided with food suitable for them as well as medication, without any interference with those that are healthy. The young ones also are kept off the risk of harm by the older species that may be a bit hostile.

However, this may also not be that good. In very cold places, the wooden structures need to be so well sealed so that cold does not enter and get to the breeds. If they are not well sealed, the contents may be the ones to suffer the consequences. Also, some harmful may get in and harm the species, through any available spaces.

Unique bird houses are premises which are very common in the environment. Those naturally made ones are made by the elaborate breeds of birds. Farmers dealing on these creatures are also designing better homes for their birds, to ensure security and good health.

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