Friday, January 24, 2014

Buying A Home In Surprise AZ? Don't Let Stress Get In The Way!

By Gary Morales

If you're buying a home in Surprise, AZ you'll want to consider why it can be such a stressful process. What I've found to be helpful was understanding these key factors that go into the biggest single purchase you'll ever make in your life.

First, you'll want to consider the location. Where is your home located? And how does that make you feel?

Education plays an integral role when you're buying a home in Surprise, Arizona or in any of its surrounding areas. Despite the size of your family, this will factor in.

The connection between the neighborhood you live in is directly tied to your emotions. Your emotions are real. Here's just some of the ways feelings will come into play.

Are there little groups of kids that just wander through the street? Are there foreclosures on your block? Not considering these factors could cause a lot more undue stress in the future.

Another thing to think about is accessibility. Do you want to live right next to the freeway, or near a main road? Or do you want to buy a home in Surprise that's near a road that will get you to the 303.

Did you buy a fixer-upper or is it newly built? Does your spouse want workspace in the garage or a kitchen with windows? Do you have future plans to build a pool?

Did you value price over the size of your backyard? Logan Hall has experience managing emotions.

Also, not to be too morbid, but did you ignore the suggestion from your realtor to have the main breadwinner of the household get term life insurance? It's pennies on the dollar to secure the future that you're paying for as you turn the house into a home with the people that you love.

Overall, when buying a home in Surprise, Arizona your success is tied to working with an experienced, local real estate agent. Real estate is stressful. Working with a full-time agent can help lower that stress.

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