Thursday, January 30, 2014

Despite The Benefits Associated With Herbs And Natural Supplements, They Have Risks

By Serena Price

As human beings, herbs and natural supplements have been part and parcel of our life down the history line. In fact, the modern medicine borrows to great extent from organic products that have been used for long. The use has never been restricted to boost health only, but instead for curing various ailment and other health conditions. In the modern society however, the conventional medicines are associated with revolutionary scientific development, unlike organic boosters which are as natural as possible.

They are generally described as dietary supplements obtained from plants, shrubs, trees and fungus. They flood the market today representing just how they are valued in the society. Some of the most common health problems targeted by these products include weight loss, immune system boosting, memory enhancement, depression and anxiety, sexual improvement, appetite boosting and digestion among several others.

The most common health problems and conditions which are now popularly managed with these products include immunity boosting, sexual performance, fertility, appetite boosting, weight loss, memory loss problems, poor vision, digestion and as a remedy for hormones and mineral inadequacy.

Most of herbs and natural supplements have drug-like effects when used, and as such pose threats to your health when not used properly. Your starting point before using any of these options should be to research on their benefits, proper dosage, side effects and the possible situations when their uses are not recommended. In case you are pregnant, breast feeding or you have any chronic health condition, you cannot afford to fail consulting your doctor before using any of these products.

While the majority of these health boosters are able to perform, a few of them may not perform as expected, and as such become wastage of money. Of great concern however is not just being unable to perform, but instead the risk you are exposed to when using a product that is not recommended by a doctor. First, it is important that a big majority of these products have active ingredients. The rule is that the manufacture indicate all the ingredients used including the active ingredient. This may be the case but you still need clearance from a competent doctor before using any of these products.

The danger is when you think that what works for your friend or relative may also work for you. In the area of weight loss for instance, it is common to start using supplements that your friend recommend without consulting your doctor. This exposes you to unimaginable level of danger. First, these substances too have active ingredients and may not work together with other medicines. In fact, the resulting reaction can be life threatening.

So, how will you know that the product you intend to use is even organic in the first place? Generally, the manufacturers are required to include a number of information on the labels. Among these are the name, manufacturer name and address, the dosage, active ingredient and a complete list of all the ingredients used.

The herbs and natural supplements are widely available in stores, both online and offline. Having been manufactured with noble intentions, it is your duty to ensure that what you are using is actually fit for you.

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