Thursday, July 18, 2013

Travellers Need A Yellow Fever Certificate

By Jonny Blair

If you want to travel the world a Yellow Fever Certificate is compulsory for some countries. You really need to get one before you head off on your jaunts around the globe. You'll be asked for this certificate at some airports and land border crossings so take no risks. Get a yellow fever certificate before you leave to travel the world.

I got my latest batch of injections in 2010 just before I headed to Africa and South America. I lived in Australia at the time and used The Travel Doctor in Parramatta. Some of these were just top up injections, but the Yellow Fever Injection was for the first time. Important things you need to know about the Yellow Fever Injection:

1. Countries will ask to see evidence of it at borders, both land and air. It's better to be prepared for it and have your certificate ready. Why risk getting refused entry to a country?

2. You almost always have to pay for it. I cannot remember the cost of my Yellow Fever Vaccination, though it was somewhere in the region of $60 AU Dollars (in 2010).

3. Have faith in the travel doctors. They really know what they are talking about and they will help you. Just head there and get the injections - it's much better to be protected against deadly diseases than take any risks.

4. Make sure your Yellow Fever Certificate is stamped and has a doctor's signature on it for it to be valid.

5. Your Yellow Fever Certificate needs to be from an Accredited Yellow Fever Vaccine Centre.

7. It's important to take your Yellow Fever certificate with you everywhere you go - you can never be sure which countries will ask for it.

7. It will be valid for 10 years.

On a final note, subjects like this are very serious and while this is my view on it, remember I am not a doctor so please, please check with your travel doctor first on what injections you need for certain countries.

To ensure you have a safe and enjoyable trip it's very important to know what injections you need.

As a global nomad it's important to embrace the cultures and places you go and part of this journey is staying safe and healthy on your travels.

What exactly is Yellow Fever? - It's a dangerous disease that you don't want with symptoms including vomiting and muscle pain.

How is it contracted? As with a lot of diseases, through a bite from a certain type of female mosquito (again, even after getting your vaccination, best to keep taking your malaria tablets, using insect repellent and taking all precautions against bites)

What Countries Are Affected? - According to the doctors I have spoken to, most of Africa and parts of South America are affected by Yellow Fever. And let's be honest those are two of the best continents to travel in, so you'll need your Yellow Fever Certificate.

What price is a Yellow Fever Vaccination? It depends where you are but imagine that it should be between $40 and $90 depending on where you are. Safe travels!

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